Prevention to end domestic and sexual violence

Training and advocacy programs for a safer future
In addition to supporting victims, LIVE is committed to prevention of domestic and sexual violence in the Latino community. Through training and collective advocacy, we work actively in the community to build Latino/Hispanic leadership, educate the broader community, and ultimately prevent future violence for Virginia’s Latinos. 

We help prevent domestic and sexual violence through 3 programs:

LIVE - Interpreter Bank

Leadership Program

LIVE’s Leadership Program focuses on building community and facilitating social change. The program, based on curriculum by Esperanza United, is for Latino/Hispanic community members that want to become leaders and advocate for their community.

In addition to gaining basic leadership skills, increasing their confidence, and growing their network, Latinos who complete our Leadership Program go on to provide workshops to other Latinos/Hispanics with the purpose of increasing knowledge and community capacity in the prevention of domestic and sexual violence.

Graduates of the Leadership Program also organize and co-facilitate the Stewards of Children program in the community.

Join the program waitlist

Stewards of Children (curriculum by Darkness to Light)

Stewards of Children is a prevention training program that helps adults prevent, recognize, and respond responsibly to child sexual abuse. The curriculum has been created by the non-profit Darkness to Light, whose mission is to empower adults to prevent child sexual abuse. ​

Organized by Latinos who complete LIVE’s Leadership Program, the goal of Stewards of Children trainings is that more Spanish-speaking members of the Latino/Hispanic community will have the knowledge to prevent child sexual abuse and violence.

Inquire about Stewards of Children training

LIVE - Partners Program
LIVE - Partners Program

Community Advocate Training

Our Community Advocate Training is for community members who want to learn about how to better support victims of sexual and domestic violence, and contribute to LIVE’s mission through outreach work. Participants learn about topics such as:

  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual violence
  • Safety plans
  • Legal remedies to seek protection 
  • Victim’s rights

Contact us to learn more