How LIVE center helps Latinos in Virginia:

Helping people who have experienced sexual or domestic violence
You can call our 24/7 Domestic & Sexual Violence Crisis Support Line using the call button below.
We guarantee 24/7 access to safe, bi-lingual, culturally-appropriate services for those who are experiencing (or who have experienced) domestic or sexual violence. Our services for those experiencing domestic and sexual violence include:
- Crisis Intervention
- Safety Planning
- Peer Counseling
- Clinical Counseling
- Case Management
- Personal Advocacy

Supporting Latinos who have not experienced violence or abuse
Our General Helpline is answered by bi-lingual, bi-cultural advocates between 9am and 5pm ET, Monday through Friday.
The General Helpline serves as a trusted resource for Latinos who are not experiencing violence, but may need help getting access to services. It is staffed by Spanish-speakers who can make trustworthy referrals to Virginia’s available resources.
Call General Richmond Helpline Call General Hampton Roads Helpline Learn About Our Services


"Having a shared cultural background allows me to feel truly seen, heard, and respected."

"The LIVE Center didn't care that I wasn't born in the U.S. They supported and empowered me, helping me gain the confidence I needed to leave the abusive relationship."

"I never felt uncomfortable or judged at the LIVE Center. The advocates empowered me while respecting my cultural values, experiences, and privacy."

"I was so relieved when I called the LIVE Center's hotline and could speak with someone in Spanish. The language barrier had prevented me from getting help before."

"The advocate spoke my language and took the time to explain the complex legal system. With the center's support, I filed for and received an order of protection."

"Being able to express myself fully in my native Spanish allows me to honestly share my story"

"With the interpreter's help in court, I was able to communicate effectively and convey the full truth about the abuse I suffered."

"The confusing legal and social service systems felt impossible to navigate before the LIVE Center guided me through."

"I felt so lost trying to deal with the police, courts and lawyers by myself. Having an advocate who spoke my language and knew how to access services made sure my voice was heard."

"I assumed services weren't available to immigrant victims like me. I'm grateful the LIVE Center showed me I deserve safety and justice regardless of where I was born."